Semester Abroad Program:
- Study for one semester or one year at Rotterdam Business School.
Useful links:
- RBS website: Please visit https://www.rotterdamuas.com.
- RBS video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDiFhBrcYFE.
Important Disclaimer:
Rotterdam Business School (RBS) is the international business school of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. Over 2,500 students are currently enrolled in our English-taught Bachelor and Master programmes. Rotterdam Business School was founded in 1990 as the International School of Economics Rotterdam, which developed study programmes in English.
Today, RBS is part of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences and offers three types of study programmes: Bachelor Programmes, Master Programmes and Special Programmes.
Rotterdam is the largest port in Europe and a multicultural city in the western part of the Netherlands. It is the second largest Dutch city with more than 600,000 inhabitants. Rotterdam UAS is located in the centre of Rotterdam. The sevenmain university sites are all close to the metro line, which crosses Rotterdam from east to west
Semester Abroad Program:
- Allows IIHEM students to spend a semester, extensible to a year, at Rotterdam Business School.
Semester Abroad Program:
- Qualified IIHEM students who have successfully completed at least three semesters of academic study and are enrolled in years two to four at IIHEM.
"Students applying to these programs must have a minimal GPA of 3.0"
Semester Abroad Program:
- This program is not a degree program. Courses taken at Rotterdam Business School will be transferred to equivalent courses at IIHEM. Most of the exchange programs consist of 15 credits. The students have to complete the entire program.
Yes.IIHEM diplomas are accredited by the Moroccan Ministry of Higher Education and are also "Reconnus Equivalents" by the Ministry. The Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences (Hogeschool Rotterdam) is accredited by the NVAO, the Accreditation Organization of the Netherlands and Flanders.
The NVAO is a member of the ENQA.
Yes, within the general framework. You can do this through a transfer. You will however have to pay RBS tuition whenever you are on the Rotterdam Business School campus.
Nomination deadlines for the different semesters are as follows:
Fall Semester:
- April 15th
Spring Semester:
- October 15th
Nomination deadlines for the different semesters are as follows:
Fall Semester:
- May 1st
Spring Semester:
- November 1st
Nomination deadlines for the different semesters are as follows:
Fall Semester:
- June 14th
Spring Semester:
- December 14th
- The Summer Semester starts in May/June (IIHEM),
- the Fall Semester starts in September/August (IIHEM and RBS).
- the Spring Semester starts in January/February (IIHEM and RBS).
Semester Abroad Program:
- At least 15 credits (Five courses) are to be taken per semester. The students have to complete the entire program.
Undergraduate classes at both IIHEM and RBS are taught during the day.
Enrollment in the program takes place betweenOctober to November for the Spring semester and April to Mayfor the Fall semester.
Semester Abroad Program:
- complete 1.5 academic years at IIHEM with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and have an IELTS score of 6.0 or a TOEFL score of 550.
- An official letter issued by IIHEM concerning the student’s status,
- Submission of application form. Application form is available online,
- Proof of English proficiency (IELTS or TOEFL),
- Transcript or certificate of education for the last education years,
- One letter of recommendation,
- Motivation letter and motivation video,
- Curriculum Vitae,
- Statement of purpose,
- Copy of official identity card and passport pages that show identity information.
Semester Abroad Program:
- Students will pay IIHEM semester tuition to IIHEM for each semester spent at RBS. Travel, insurance and living expenses at RBS are the responsibility of each student.
Living expenses (housing, utilities, meals, incidentals, etc.) are between € 800 and € 1000 per month.
You are.
RBS Student Support will apply for your visa for you, but neither RBS nor IIHEM will be held responsible for a visa refusal by the Dutch authorities.
- Receive visa instructions,
- Provide necessary documents first by email for a check,
- After approval by email, send documents by post with DHL/FedEx or similar,
- Pay the invoice in time to school (keep in mind international transfers take time),
- Please respect the deadline, for receiving all documents/payments,
- Student Support then applies for your visa (VVR) at the Dutch Immigration Office,
- Your visa will be processed by the international division,
- We notify you when we receive approval of your VVR application,
- VVR only students do not need to go the Dutch Embassy or consulate
- After arrival in the Netherlands you will receive your VVR.
- Student submits an application to the IIHEM Director of International Programs (DoIP),
- Meet with the DoIP to discuss and receive approval of your program of study at RBS
- The candidates will submit application documents,
- After you have completed the online application form you will receive a confirmation email from the Centre of International Affairs (CoIA),
- CoIA and the programme coordinators will review your application,
- When your application has been approved, CoIA will send you a Letter of Acceptancewithin two to four weeks,
- Upon arrival students must presentoriginal copies of all certificates that were provided for the admissions process,
- The candidates should arrive at Rotterdam before the semester starts.